Tuesday, August 27, 2013


In a few days more begins the month of September. In my country, Chile, is the month where we celebrate our national holiday. This year my country meets 203 years since independence.
Also, on September 11 will commemorate 40 years since the coup of 1973. This is a time to reflect and think about the events that led to a horrible dictatorship that began that day and lasted 17 years.
After that, on September 18 we celebrate our national holiday. There are many festivals throughout the city, the most famous in Santiago are the "FONDAS"  in O'Higgins Park. The Fondas are places where people go to dance, to drink "chicha", to eat pies, grilling, drinking beer and many other fun things.
Other people take advantage of the long weekend to visit their families or go out of town to the beach or countryside, for example.
This month, people feel very happy, because there are three days of holiday and a lot of people use all the week of national holiday to relax, be with family, or go to the Fondas
In my case, I will enjoy national holidays with my family and friends. With my family i will go out of town a few days. With my friends we will go to the Fondas or other places to have fun.
I think we should take advantage of these festivities and the few days off to have fun and stay with our families.
To dance “cueca”! To have fun! Viva Chile

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