Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The gender roles

Hi! In this occasion I’m going to write about the gender roles (of the man and woman) in our society.

But first, we point out some things like the change of the roles are experimented in our country. For example in the job, in the school, in the University, in the politics roles or in the society in general.

Specifically in Chile, we note that historically the roles of the woman and man are changing.

In the home, for example: actually in some families, the woman is the person that is responsible of the financially support their children. Or in some situations, the man is the person that is responsible of the child care and to do household work

At work, also are some situations where the roles are changing. For example, in some offices the role of the boss is not of a man but a woman. Or in some governments, the president or the first minister is a woman and not a man like time ago. This situation was unthinkable in other society or in another time.

Despite the above, I think that in Chile is most easy the life for the men. Because we are macho in our society. Some people think that the women are less able to do things in relation to men. But this idea is absolutely false. I think that in a lot of occasion the woman do a better job in relationship to man.

Finally, I think that the equality between men and women is really possible, because is important for both live together.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Computer

My favorite piece of technology is the computer, or PC.

The computer is an electric machine that is used to a lot of things, from reading books to meet new people in the social networks, for example.

Also, the computer is really an important and essential piece of technology because actually is very necessary have a computer in the house, in the school, in the university, in the job, etc.

I had my first computer when I had nearly five years old.

I use the computer for study, read books, explore in the social networks, have a conversation in Messenger, write documents for the University, etc.

I use the computer practically all the days, especially if I need study or do a work with my friends for the University.

I like the computer because really is an essential piece of technology. With the computer I can study and play my favorites PC games!!!

If the computer disappears, really I don’t know if all of the things that I do in the computer I could do it in other machine.

I recommend that all of persons must buy a computer or laptop, because really the life is most simple and easy with these machines.

Thank you for read me! =)

Monday, April 18, 2011

What is a good friend?

Hello everybody!
This is my second post and in this occasion, I write about the question: What is a good friend?
But first. What means a good friend?
I think that a good friend is a person that ever is with you, in the good situations and in the bad situations too, especially if you have a problem.
Also I think that is very difficult make good friends. Not ever that you find a friend, you will have a good friend for a long time. Some people have a lot of friends but this not means that all are a good friends.
The nicest thing that I ever done for my friends is when I dedicate all the time of the world to listen to my friends. Because I think that anything so "simple" to do, like listening to your friend, is very important to improve the friendship of both.
Well, as I wrote above, the characteristics of a good friend is to be a person that is always with you to help if needed.